Extreme Rarity Chekiang Dragon Dollar ND (1898-99) in MS66
Chekiang. Kuang-hsü Dragon Dollar ND (1898-99) MS66 NGC, KM-Y55, L&M-282, Kann-119. Among the rarest of all the "Dragon Dollar" issues, and seldom available to collectors of the series, with archived auction records reflecting the offering of only three coins since 2008. All three of these previously offered coins were VF Details condition, with two pieces having chopmarks, and the third showing graffiti damage. The last of these to be sold at auction was a VF Details (Chopmark) example sold by Heritage in December 2017 at the hammer price of $55,000. This spectacular example is truly amazing and a once in a lifetime opportunity for the collector who wants to acquire the finest known example of a supremely rare dragon dollar. Much like the previous 50 Cent example of this type, the strike is essentially flawless, with untoned bright silver color over satin obverse fields, with prooflike reverse fields. No notable flaws detract from the overall appearance of this one-of-a-kind example. Only three pieces have been certified of this classic rarity, with only one other Mint State example, an MS64 graded by PCGS.
From the W&B Capital Collection極具珍罕!評鑑最高分 MS66 「浙江魏碑」壹圓銀幣!
1898-99年浙江省造光緒元寶七錢二分銀幣 。MS66 NGC。 龍銀系列中最為珍罕的款式,甚少出現於拍賣場的一款。非常難得以納入藏家作品之中,由2008至今,僅出現過三枚。之前那三枚皆以VF (精美)狀態呈現,其中兩枚有戳印,另一枚有塗注痕跡。我們於2017年12月拍賣會中曾以55,000美元拍出一枚VF Details (Chopmark) 。但此枚幣品相之完美實在令人驚歎,其珍稀性及優質度絕對是收藏家夢寐以求的一枚。如同先前出現的半元,此幣鑄打深峻,柔面帶自然而閃亮的銀白光,精製背面,整體非常艷麗,堪稱完美。此款僅三枚獲得評分,而只有這枚為目前最高評分。出自:W&B Capital collection「光緒二十二年十二月(1897年1月),浙江巡撫廖壽豐上奏呈請設局造幣。奉准後向德國購置機器,次年七八月間運到,於光緒二十五年正月(1899年3月)開鑄。後來清廷以各省設局過多,該年四月下令除特許外均停鑄銀元,七月浙局奉旨停工,九月設備拆運至北京,做為籌辦"京都銀圓局"之用,京局在次年毀于庚子事件。
近年國外披露的文獻,得知浙省機器由德國蘇勒廠(Schuler)承製,幣模則委託奧圖˙拜赫 (Otto Beh)雕刻,於1898年2月16日(光緒二十四年一月二十六日)交付七錢二分至三分六釐等五種銀幣之原模、二原模及印模予出口代理商甘拿秘 (Knape)。由於幣模銘文為"二十三年浙江省造",與實際年份不符故正面必須重刻,背面仍保留原德國雕成之模,推測這是浙局在機器運到後近半年才正式開鑄的原因之一。新模字體採用魏晉南北朝時期碑文的書法,因各王朝之中以北魏的立國時間最長,故名"魏碑",乃晚清書法家紹興人陶濬宣之手跡。由於"寶"字從"尔",亦稱"尔寶"。
浙江尔寶銀幣發行時,商民對其信心不足,交易時常打戳驗色及折扣收用,故市面上不受歡迎。故銷毀多餘存少,現二角以下的小毫稍多,半圓及壹圓均少,佳品極罕見。」引自 《浙江省造光緒 "尔寶" 銀幣》孫浩著
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Sold Price: $ 312000.00