Non-Stamped Potential "Dragon Boat" Pattern
Sold For: $186000.00
1995年龍舟圖500元精製金幣(5盎司)(金樣幣?)。PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC。 此5盎司金幣理應在幣邊12點鐘方向鑄有編號,但這一枚在該位置並"沒有編號",並首次出現在拍賣會。我們之前亦曾經手過兩枚同款金幣,但都具有編號。此金幣設計新穎有趣,屬中國古代航海船系列紀念金幣之一。龍舟圖打鑄深刻分明,船身幾百片龍鱗細節精緻;船中央有寶塔,寶塔的建築架構嚴謹精準。正面霧面長城圖案,鑄工超卓。鏡面底板高度反光,與霧面圖文對比鮮明,營造出高浮雕效果。近乎完美,無值得一提的瑕疵。印有編號的款式極為罕有,之前評分PR69的一枚以$110,000售出。此枚"無編號" 5盎司金幣並無任何先例,置於特大NGC評級盒內,極有可能是獨一無二的樣幣?藏家們萬勿錯過。Note for clients in the European Union: This lot is considered by the European Union to be “investment gold”. We believe that it meets the criteria established in Article 344(1), point (2) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC and thus should be exempt from import VAT regardless of the selling price. Any questions or concerns about VAT should be addressed to your accountant or local tax authority.